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Sensational Travel is your last stop on the search for the perfect honeymoon escape.
Top Ten Honeymoon Destinations
What are the best spots for a honeymoon vacation?
According to a Modern Bride poll in 2006, here are the top ten spotscouples are planning to,
or already have traveled to for their honeymoon.
1. Hawaii
2. Mexico
4. Aruba
5. Bahamas
6. Jamacia
7. Alaska
8. U.S. Virgin Islands
9. Canada
10. California

Top Ten "Dream Honeymoon Destinations"
No ideas yet as to where you wish to spend your honeymoon?
The following are the top ten dream destinations for honeymoon couples.
1. Hawaii
2. Fiji
3. Austrailia
4. Italy
5. Tahiti
6. Greece
7. Aruba
8. New Zealand
9. France
10. Bahamas